Monday, April 30, 2012

Sorry it's been a while

I'm so sorry for not posting in a long time. It seems like everything has been super crazy in my house hold that I just needed a moment to focus on family, school and work. I have one more stressful week with my crazy schedule and then the madness of my Maymester class will begin and will last me 14 days sitting in a 4 hour class every night. Pure MADNESS!

On to what I really am posting about today....

Today I am posting a link to my friends blog. Please go read it and share it with everyone you know! Her latest blog is one that needs to be passed along. Even if it doesn't effect you, you could possibly pass it on to someone who at this moment might need to hear her words! This is my PROMISE to her! By sharing we are putting a voice to something that hasn't had a voice and hopefully an end to so many lives that shouldn't be ended.

So go grab your tissues and sit down for a moment to read. Then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass this on! Facebook it, Tweet, Blog it or Email. You could be saving lives today!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What! A day off!

I'm sitting here in my not so clean, kid and husband empty house. It's Thursday and what I had to do to get a weekday off with this insane schedule of mine was totally worth it!  Monday and Wednesday were brutal.  I woke up and got the kids to daycare then off to work. After work I went to school for 3 hours to try and learn about poetry....ugh. I can't wait until this class is over. Me + Poetry = NO LOVE!!  Then after class it was straight back to work! I don't remember the last time I had a day off to just sit and relax and do nothing.  So here has been my day so far.
  • Took kiddos to daycare
  • Stopped by the 7-11 to throw away trash and scrapped the car on the trash can
  • Burned my oatmeal
  • Broke a bowel in I'm down to 3.
  • Spilled part of The Hubs tea on me at lunch
I think I'm just going to stay home and not go anywhere. I was able to get dinner in the crock pot.  Fingers crossed that it turns out! With the way my day is going I don't think I should try to do much of anything. I think I have found the reason for why my off day is really OFF. I haven't had my coffee today.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Busy, busy and did I mention busy?

Last week my household was very busy.  OK maybe not crazy busy but with my schedule I feel like I just never stop.  I have gone back to school which means I have lost my mind.  I have school Monday and Wednesday 2-5.  I now have to work Monday-Saturday to make sure I have enough hours for the week.  Yes if you are keeping track I only have Sundays off. Me and the kids get home at 6 p.m. every night. Then I go do my run. Come home to cook dinner, clean up some, get the kids to ready for bed, get them in bed and make sure clothes are clean for the next morning. Oh I forgot that I have to eat at some point. Get myself ready for bed and then it's lights out, finally!  Yes this schedule is the one I have chosen until May when this class is over. And then my next class will be Texas history for 2 weeks 4 hours a day Monday-Friday!  Crazy I know! So yes with just work, school and having a family my cup is overflowing, spilling on the floor and I do not have a towel to clean it up with. 
Now to add to an already full week, me and The Hubs bought Miss Grace tickets to see "Dare to Dream" Disney Princesses on ice.  Let me just say that it was TOTALLY WORTH GOING! I might have been a little more excited than Miss Grace was.  It was like one of my childhood dreams coming true!  They showcased Tiana from "Princess and the Frog." Next was "Cinderella" and finally what Miss Grace had been waiting for "Tangled!"  Rapunzel was by far my favorite also.  She flew around the stage like a "Cirque Du Soleil" acrobat and to finish it off they even had the floating lanterns.  Miss Grace even made it out with a few souvenirs. Not because she saw the merchandise table and wanted one of everything.  She was quite content with her Rapunzel braided crown of hair.  It was me and The Hubs who were sucked into getting her everything else. I think those tables are impulse buys for parents because you see other kids with all the light up toys, cups and t-shirts and you think "Oh no!  My child has to have one of everything!" So then you end up leaving having spent their college savings.  Sorry my children, you will now have to pay for college on your own because me and Daddy spent it on crap that will be put into the yard sale pile in a matter of weeks.  It made Miss Grace the happiest girl in the world so it was all worth it.  I'll just let her down easy in 14 years when she needs to pay for her first semester of college.
Next on the agenda was seeing "Hunger Games" on Saturday night.  We decided to wait a week so we wouldn't have to deal with the crowds of people and teens for opening weekend.  Totally worth the wait!  If you have not read the books you are missing out!  They are easy, fast reads and pack a lot of action in them.  The movie lived up to the book but I do feel that if you read the book first you will understand a lot more of what they don't explain in the movie.  You can't pack everything into a 2.5 hour movie that a 27 chapter book has.  I just wish that we didn't have to wait until 2013 to see the second book come to the big screen "Catching Fire".
All in all my last week was busy but went by fast.  Now it's Monday and time to start the same routine.  Let me leave you with a few quotes I have picked up this week.  These are real conversations and in no way were they made up.  You can't make these up people!
Me-"I'll have a double mocha light."
Starbucks Barista-"Would you also like to buy a pound of coffee today?"
Me-"No that's why I come here!"
My Assistant Manager-"Hi ladies how are you?"
Teenage girl-"Is that your real hair?"
My A.M.-"Yes."
Teenage girl-As she is now toughing my A.M.'s hair "It's so soft! What do you use to make it soft?"
My A.M.-"Whatever hair product is on sale."
Teenage girl-"It's because your white. I'm Italian." (Teenage girl is also white.)
My Sister at the movie theater- "How do you pronounce your name?"
Movie theater waiter-"David."
Happy Monday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My morning and it's still morning!

Today has just been one of those days. Oh you Mamas out there know what I'm talking about!  When you look at the clock and see that it's only 10 a.m.!

 "What only 10!  You mean to tell me that this day is not even close to over!"

This morning Miss Grace and Mr. J had their well child check-up. It was an early check-up too, 7:40 a.m.  piece of cake! I've taken them both to the doctor's together so why wouldn't this go smoothly? Right?

7:00 a.m rolls around and The Hubs WAKES ME UP, yes he wakes me up at 7:00 when my alarm was set for 6:00! Apparently my phone was in the other room and had been sounding for an hour and I never once heard it! Great. Awesome.  I throw on clothes, couldn't even tell you what I ended up wearing.  Just know that there was no way I was going to be able to work that getup.  Then I realized that I was scheduled to be at work at 9:00.  How in the world am I going to be able to get both of these kids to the Dr. then to daycare and then somehow get me presentable enough to get to work? The Hubs gets Miss Grace ready, I get Mr J. ready, put them in the car and I'm off!  We get there and I see that we are the only patients.  Good maybe he is on time and this will be an in and out thing.  They both get the usual.  Height, weight, Miss Grace gets hearing and sight check, both are complete with 4 shots, tears....oh the tears.

Shots and crying don't bother me.  When Miss Grace was a baby I wanted to cry right along with her.  Now it's almost like I'm immune to it.  You get used to all the pokes, pricks.  With all the testings these two have gone through I know that the tears will only last until we get to the front to check out.

After Miss Grace gets her princess sticker I get them both into the car and it's off to daycare.  Now, I'm still a HOT MESS.  There is no other word to describe the horrible way I am looking.  I run them both in, throw them to their teachers and wave by as I'm halfway in my car. It's already 9:00.  Great!  Supposed to be at work right now.  I rush home, jump in the shower, jump right out.  Make-up on, hair dried and straightened (it's days like these I miss my long hair to just throw up in a ponytail and go!) clothes on!  I get back into the car.  9:36.  I did it!  I will be at work before 10:00 when my store is to be open!  Oh but wait.  I forgot that I had been driving around two cities with my gas light on!  How much better could this morning get!  Then I realize that I don't have a single penny on me due to me losing my paycheck, yes I lost my paycheck but don't worry it was found where any human being would put it.  In the middle of my fitness magazine!  Duh!  So then I have to drive over to The Hubs work, get gas money, get gas and open my store doors all in 20 min.  Well I did it!  I made it just in time!  I got to work today at 9:59! So lets recap.

-woke up an hour late!
-got kids to Dr for check-ups on time!
-got kids to daycare!
-went home to shower and change!
-got gas in my car so I wouldn't be stranded on a major highway!
-clocked in at work at 9:59!

Moral of the story.  The Hubs will be doing the next round of check-ups!

Oh and I didn't have time for my morning COFFEE!  It's going to be a long long looonnngggg day!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012


As I sit here drinking my morning Starbucks, I am thankful for everything in my life.  Lets go down the list shall we.

- The Hubs, without his genes I don't think my children would have turned out as cute as they are...and let's face it.  We make pretty babies.

- Miss Grace, I do not think I would have even considered a blog with out her daily stories and one liners.  She's my little comedian with a wild imagination.

-Mr J., That unexpected bundle of joy might have just saved my life!  I found out when I was pregnant that I have abnormal cell growth which untreated would have turned into ovarian cancer.  Because of him I am healthy and will be around for a long, long time!

- Coffee, without it I would not be a functional person in the mornings!

- The Bachelor, That show has some of the best crazy, crying, make you feel good about myself that I did not find my true love on a reality show women I have ever seen.

I could go on and on about what I am thankful for but what I am really not thankful for today is this massive amount of pollen in the air.  Yup my sneezing, itchy water eyes, can't sleep, nose leaking but can't blow much out of it allergies are KILLING ME!  Also what I do not like is that now I have an ear infection to boot.  Not only for the past 3 weeks I have taken both of my children to the doctor a combined of 7 times.  So much that I told them I was going to lease out a room and leave Miss Grace and Mr J. there until they are 100% well or until their 18th birthdays, which ever comes first.  Now it's my turn in the doctors office.  Last night I tried to relieve some of this pressure and pain by googling "home remedies for ear infections."  Here is what it told me to do.

-Vinegar in ear for 10 min.
-Heat up peroxide in ear for 10 min.
-Flaming paper bag in your ear
-Lay down with your ear on hot concrete

So what did I do.  Took 2 excedrin, some of my kids left over Amoxicillin and called it a night!

Happy Spring everyone!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. J!

My baby is now 1!  Yes that's right Mr. J has grown a full year.  Which means that the walking, more teething and constant pick up game will now be in full effect.  I always enjoy the first year, most parents do not since it's the first year that you loose all sleep and become delirious not remembering if the baby has been fed.  Diaper change....I think I did it.  Bathtime....oh yeah last week sometime, maybe?  It's that first year when they are not mobile.  You can put them in that bouncer or swing and they stay put!  If they get fussy just give them a bottle.  And they sleep 20 out of your 24 hours, that's enough time for me to catch up on daytime t.v.  I guess I'm pretty lucky though.  Mr J. has always slept through the night.  I was also that fortunate with Miss Grace too.  Hate me if you must but both kids would go down about 9 and sleep until 7.  A few times they would wake during the night but once they were fed and back down I knew that my next time up would be when the sun was up.  Now I get to enjoy the tantrums, the tattle telling and fighting over toys that the next toddler years will bring me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"I would like my usual!"

So my love, or addiction as some would call it, for coffee started forever ago when I was intrigued by how my Dad could drink pots and pots and pots of coffee in just a matter of hours.  He then made me a kid friendly version with coffee, milk and oh yeah a lot of sugar!  It was love at first sip.  Forward to present day I couldn't tell you how much money I have spent on the drug but I'm sure we have hit the $10,000 range. 

Starbucks is my morning stop and it's almost my home away from home.  The Barista's know me by name (sad I know) and know exactly what I want because that usually never changes.  I love Starbucks so much that I would one day love to own one.  Wouldn't that be the best job ever!  You probably couldn't ever get me to go home.  Unlimited coffee and espresso all day!  Plus the people watching would never make for a bad day on the job!  The Hubs is on board with this too.  We have already scouted out a few cities that we would make millions on.  Just need the MILLION DOLLARS in the bank so if anyone is up for helping the cause it would be greatly appreciated!  For those of you who may not frequent Starbucks you may not know that they have what is called a Gold Card.

It is a wonderful club that I now belong too.  Who knew that all I had to do all these years is register one of my gift cards to start culminating points.  For every 15 drinks I buy I get a drink for free.  I know it might not sound great but when you buy 7+ drinks a week it adds up and adds up fast.  Side note: I think I spend more on this than diapers and wipes for Mr. J.  You also get all kinds of free stuff when you are a Gold Card holder.  For those of you interested I have added the link so you too can be in the know and save a cool $5 bucks to go spend it on whatever your little heart desires.